Timothy Greathouse

Full Stack Data Scientist

Keep Learning, Keep Coding


My mission is to make coding accessible and enjoyable for everyone. As someone who was once intimidated by coding, I understand the common misconception that it requires advanced math and science skills. However, through my own journey of learning and exploring machine learning, I've discovered the real-world application of math and science in coding. I'm passionate about sharing this realization with others and helping them experience the satisfaction of personal growth through learning something new.


The HTML5 logo

Structuring web content with HTML.

The CSS logo

Presenting beautiful web designs and interactions using CSS.

The Javascript logo

Making interactive experiences, games, web apps and more using JavaScript.

The Boostrap logo

Rapidly developing responsive websites using Bootstrap: the world's most popular framework.

The React logo

Crafting engaging user experiences with React.

The Postgresql logo

Efficiently store and manage data for web applications using PostgreSQL.

The Tableau logo

Creating dynamic data visualizations that bring complex datasets to life in Tableau.

The C++ logo

Utilizing C++ to create audio plugins and game development.

The Python logo

Creating web applications using Python: the world's most popular language for data analysis and machine learning.

The C Sharp Logo

Audio Programming and backend web development with C#.

The Pandas Logo

Performing Data Analysis, Manipulation and Visualizations with Pandas.

The NumPy Logo

Performing Scientific Computing and multidimensional array manipulation with NumPy.

